Contact us if you’d like to learn more about current and past projects.

Current Projects

  • Parks Victoria – Evaluation of the Great Outdoors Initiative
  • Riverina Local Land Services – Project Design for Western Riverina Pig Project

Completed projects


  • Dja Dja Wurrung Enterprises Pty Ltd – Aboriginal (Djaara) Waterway Assessment (Review)
  • Director of National Parks – Evaluation of the Booderee National Park Management Plan (2015-2025)
  • Director of National Parks – Evaluation of Park Management Plans for Christmas Island National Park and Pulu Keeling National Park
  • Peel-Harvey Catchment Council – Cost Benefit Analysis $110 million Restoration of the Peel-Harvey Waterways
  • Corangamite CMA – National Landcare Program (Training and Project Development Support)


  • Corangamite CMA – Gellibrand River Integrated Catchment Management Plan
  • Victorian Serrated Tussock Working Party – Cost of Serrated Tussock to Victoria (including a Benefit: Cost Analysis)
  • Riverina Local Land Services – Feral Pig Program Evaluation and Benefit: Cost Analysis


  • Parks Victoria – Technical Feasibility Assessment for Eradication, and Control Options, for: Introduced predators, Environmental Weeds, European Rabbits and Deer in Wilsons Promontory National Park
  • Australian Government (Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment) – INFFER analysis for the Koala Conservation and Protection Package
  • Farmland to Reef Regeneration Fund (funded by the Great Barrier Reef Foundation) for The Nature Conservancy and Kilter Rural
  • North Central CMA – Avoca catchment ‘Chain of Ponds’ INFFER analysis
  • Sustainability Victoria – Technical expert evaluation Recycling Victoria R&D fund organics
  • Corangamite CMA – Gellibrand River Catchment – prioritisation of options to improve waterway health
  • Parks Victoria – East Gippsland Far East Eden Strategy (with Blue Sense Consulting)
  • Mallee CMA and Agriculture Victoria – Implications of climate change on horticulture in the Victorian Mallee (Stage 2)
  • Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning – Land for Wildlife Strategic Plan and Delivery Options
  • Queensland Department of Environment and Science – Understanding the legacy of cane practice change projects for Reef water quality improvement with Geoff Kuehne, AgriTech Solutions (Steve Attard) and Coutts J&R (Jeff Coutts)
  • West Gippsland CMA – Powlett River Catchment Integrated Catchment Management Plan (supporting Blue Sense Consulting)
  • Hunter Local Land Services (NSW) – Evaluation Support Services
  • Australian National University (Sustainable Farms) – advisory support on economics and adoption of farm dam enhancement
  • West Gippsland CMA – Regional NRM Plan Advisory support (with Blue Sense Consulting)
  • Canegrowers – Smartcane BMP Evaluation


  • Fitzroy Basin Association – MERI framework for Grazing Best Management Practice (BMP) reef project supporting Eberhard Consulting
  • West Gippsland CMA – Thomson River & Rainbow Creek Waterway Management Plan – Business Case
  • Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection – Queensland Reef Water Quality Program Evaluation (with Eberhard Consulting,  Blue Sense Consulting and C2O Consulting)
  • Land Stewardship Centre of Canada – Beaver Hills Biosphere wetland prioritisation
  • North Central CMA and Central Highlands Water – Tullaroop Integrated Catchment Management Plan (with Dja Dja Wurrung  Clans Aboriginal Corporation)
  • Sustainability Victoria – Organics Material Flow Analysis and Market Research with Randell Environmental Consulting (lead), Brock Baker Environmental Consulting and Frontier Ag and Environment
  • Barwon Water – Barham Catchment Health Based Targets Reduction – Options Assessment with naturallogic (Karla Billington) and Water Futures (Dan Deere)
  • Corangamite CMA – ‘Rewilding’ threatened species in the Otway Ranges – Stage 1
  • CRC for Water Sensitive Cities – INFFEWS application in the Mekong with University of Western Australia
  • DELWP/University of Melbourne – Cost-effectiveness of options for reducing the decline in extent and condition of Victorian grassy ecosystems
  • Australian Government (Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment) – Invasive ant eradication (BCA training and support)
  • Australian Government (Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment) – Reef 2050 Governance Bodies Review
  • Corangamite CMA – Grassy Eucalypt Woodland Stewardship Program (Mid-term review)


  • Victorian Gorse Taskforce – Victorian Gorse Taskforce Evaluation and Development of the Victorian Gorse Control Strategy 2020-25
  • Melbourne Water – Refresh of INFFER analysis for recreational options for Yan Yean and Tarago Reservoirs
  • Resource Consulting Services – Monaro Ecological and Farming Regeneration Initiative
  • Hunter Local Land Services (NSW) – Hunter Catchment Contributions Program Evaluation
  • Glenelg-Hopkins CMA – Socio-economic Analysis for RCS renewal (in collaboration with Neil Barr)
  • Goulburn Broken and North East CMAs – Socio-economic Analysis for the Goulburn Broken & North East Regional Catchment Strategies (in collaboration with Neil Barr)
  • Mallee CMA and Agriculture Victoria – Implications of climate change on horticulture in the Victorian Mallee
  • Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning – Prioritising waterways and management actions across Victoria (supporting Blue Sense Consulting)
  • Australian Government (Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment) – Analysis of three national eradication response programs for Browsing ants (Lepisiota frauenfeldi)
  • West Gippsland CMA – Project Planning, Design and Development –National Landcare Program Corner Inlet with Blue Sense Consulting
  • Blacktown City Council (NSW) – Subcatchment implementation Plan (application of INFFEWS) supporting Wave Consulting
  • NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust) – Review of pricing for the Fixed Price Offer delivery mechanism.
  • Mallee Catchment Management Authority – River Red Gum Spatial Survey with Spatial Vision
  • Commonwealth Government Department of Environment and Energy – INFFER analysis for Koala Conservation
  • West Gippsland CMA – Project Planning, Design and Development –National Landcare Program 2 Cross Regional Alpine Peatlands Program with RMCG


  • West Gippsland CMA – Rainbow Creek Management Plan  with Blue Sense Consulting and Ian Rutherfurd
  • Parks Victoria – Economic Return on Investment for Environmental Volunteering in Victoria
  • North Central Catchment Management Authority – Climate change planning support
  • Corangamite CMA – INFFER assessments (1. Protecting Priority Threatened Species of the Corangamite Coast and 2. Protecting the Victorian Volcanic Plain)
  • Upper Campaspe Landcare Network – Strategic planning
  • Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning – Review and assessment of selected waterway health project bids submitted by CMAs for EC4
  • Melbourne Water – INFFEWS Benefit:Cost Analysis Training and Capacity Building
  • WA Department of Water and Environmental Regulation – Revitalising Geographe Waterways (End of Program Evaluation) supporting Eberhard Consulting
  • Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning & Port Phillip and Westernport CMA – French Island Feral Cat Eradication Feasibility and Cost-Effectiveness Assessment with John Parkes (Kurahaupo Consulting)
  • Melbourne Water – Using health based targets to develop a catchment management optimisation program (CMOP), with Jacobs and SIP Advisory
  • NRM North (Tasmania) – Eastern Barred Bandicoot INFFER Assessment
  • Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC and Victorian DELWP – Social values in bushfire management decision making (INFFER Project)
  • Port Phillip and Westernport CMA – Protection and enhancement of Ramsar listed wetlands and priority coasts in the Port Phillip and Westernport region
    INFFER Assessment
  • North East CMA – Embedding Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture, North East Victoria with support from Spatial Vision, Meridian Agriculture and Bridge Logic


  • Hunter Local Land Services (NSW) – Evaluation of the Hunter Local Land Services Land Management Grant Program
  • Kilter Rural – Project opportunity scan
  • NRM North (Tasmania) – INFFER Training and project development support
  • NRM South (Tasmania) – INFFER project development support
  • Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (Victoria) – Investing in Integrated Catchment Management: development of principles
  • Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (Victoria) – Sunryasia Rejuvenation Project Final Evaluation Report
  • West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority – supporting Blue Sense Consulting to evaluate the Indigenous Partnerships Program
  • North Queensland Dry Tropics NRM (Qld) – Exploring new incentives – scoping and trialling incentives and institutional arrangements, as part of a consortium led by James Cook University
  • Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning – Developing an overarching coordination framework for long-term water quality monitoring in the Port Phillip and WesternPort region – supporting Blue Sense Consulting
  • North Central CMA – INFFER Project development
  • Land Stewardship Centre Canada – Utilising INFFER as a Decision Support Tool for Agri-environmental Programming in Brazeau County, Alberta
  • West Gippsland CMA – Lake Wellington Land and Water Management Plan Renewal (supporting Jacobs)
  • Queensland Farmer Federation – evaluation framework advice
  • North Central CMA – Sustainable Agriculture Program – Regenerative Farming Framework
  • Landcare Australia & Mid North Coast Council (NSW) – INFFER Training and Support


  • Australian Government Reef Trust – Great Barrier Reef Agricultural Renewal Investment Fund for The Nature Conservancy and Kilter Rural
  • Mount Alexander Shire Council – Land Management Rebate Program implementation support
  • Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (Victoria) – Rural Drainage Costs and Benefits to Agriculture (supporting Jacobs)
  • Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (Victoria) and West Gippsland CMA – Riparian Benefit Cost Scoring Tool with Blue Sense Consulting
  • NSW Office of Environment and Heritage – Private Land Conservation Direct Offer project
  • Melbourne Water – Source Water Catchment Protection (INFFER and CMIS)
  • Port Phillip and WesternPort CMA – Ramsar Protection Program: French Island Feral Cat Eradication (INFFER Assessment)
  • Waikato River Authority NZ – INFFER and project prioritisation support
  • Australian Institute of Marine Science – INFFER analysis for Crown of Thorns Starfish outbreak control
  • West Gippsland CMA – Perry River Integrated Catchment Management Project Development – in partnership with Blue Sense Consulting
  • Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council Limited (AFAC) and Forest and Fire Management Group: National Burning Project (subproject 2)
    ‘Report on an analysis of the tools and methodologies available to balance competing objectives of burning programs and matching these to users’
  • Melbourne Water –  Melbourne Water owned land – prioritisation framework (INFFER)
  • Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning (Victoria) – Developing options for resourcing the ongoing management of fenced riparian land
  • North Central CMA and Coliban Water – Integrated Catchment Management Plan for the Upper Coliban Catchment
  • Connecting Country – Woodland bird INFFER analysis review
  • North East CMA – North East Regional Catchment Strategy (Urban Landscape Condition Monitoring) – in partnership with Patten Bridge/Bridge Logic
  • Mount Alexander Shire – Review of Land Management Rebate Program
  • Harvey River Restoration Taskforce (WA) – INFFER Training


  • Kingborough Council (Tas) – Bruny Island Cat Control (INFFER analysis)
  • Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (Qld) – Costs of achieving the water quality targets for the Great Barrier Reef (As part of a consortium led by Alluvium Consulting)
  • NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (Office of Environment and Heritage) – Evaluation of the Enhanced Bushfire Management Program
  • North East Catchment Management Authority – Landscape condition monitoring & reporting (with Patten Bridge/Bridge Logic)
  • Burnett-Mary Regional Group (Qld) – Evaluation and Final Review (Reef Programme)
  • North Central CMA – Review of Landcare/Community Grants Program
  • NQ Dry Tropics – Burdekin Water Quality Improvement Plan (INFFER analysis)


  • Department of Environment/National Landcare Advisory Committee (NLAC) – Understanding and identifying the economic impacts of investment in the National Landcare Programme activities
  • SEQ Catchments – Catchment Action Planning (INFFER analysis)
  • North Central CMA – Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Plan
  • West Gippsland CMA – Climate Change Planning support
  • Department of Environment and Primary Industries (Vic) – Investigation of the cost-sharing and funding allocation approaches used in Victorian riparian management programs
  • East Gippsland CMA – Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Plan


  • Burnett-Mary Regional Group – Water Quality Improvement Plan
  • Burnett-Mary Regional Group – Climate Change Planning support
  • West Gippsland CMA – Regional Waterway Strategy (planning support)
  • Terrain NRM – Wet Tropics Water Quality Improvement Plan (INFFER analysis component)
  • West Gippsland CMA – INFFER analysis for Gippsland Plains Grassy Woodlands and Alpine Peat-bogs (with RMCG)
  • Corangamite CMA (on behalf of 7 Victorian CMAs) – NRM and Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (with Spatial Vision)


  • West Gippsland CMA – INFFER analysis for the Corner Inlet Ramsar site
  • Land Stewardship Centre (Alberta, Canada) – INFFER analysis for threatened bird species (Sage Grouse)
  • Northern Gulf NRM – INFFER training
  • Department of Environment & Primary Industries – Development of a Waterway Benefit: Cost Scoring Tool
  • West Gippsland CMA – Waterway prioritisation for Regional Waterway Strategy.
  • North Central CMA – Waterway prioritisation for Regional Waterway Strategy.
  • Corner Inlet Water Quality Improvement Plan – INFFER analysis and underpinning bio-economic modelling.
  • Greening Australia QLD – Improving Gold Coast vegetation through seed supply
  • INFFER analyses for the Wimmera Catchment Management Authority to assist development of Biodiversity Fund applications.
  • INFFER assessment for conserving woodland birds in the Mount Alexander Shire in central Victoria for Connecting Country.
  • Water quality assessment for the Bow River in Alberta in partnership with the Land Stewardship Centre of Canada.
  • Development of application form and assessment methodology for the Living Victoria Fund – Office of Living Victoria.
  • Asset identification and priority setting for the Western Australian Rangelands NRM Plan.
Malcolm Fyffe's property, Sandon, central Victoria

Evaluation of landholder adoption in NRM projects is crucial to design and implementation.